The Bard Podcast Network

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Cave of the Four Tribes - 5e One-shot

For our first ever One Door Dungeon, we bring you the Cave of the Four Tribes. Let’s be honest, getting the party together can be hard; we have jobs, kids and lives in general that can get in the way of a good ole session. A single encounter dungeon is meant as a supplemental tool for parties that are missing a player for a night or as a way to brush some dust off your dice. That way the group can still meet and keep the flow of roleplaying going.

We have a guide for the One Door setting over at Tavern of the One Door and you can play in an entire setting where every so often a new door pops up and the party can dive in. That way you save on the prep time and have everything you need to just hop right in. Other than the players of course.

Be sure to download the session guide above and the map here.

Now, without further ado The Bard Podcast Network presents, Hunter Steffens’ Cave of the Four tribes!

(Lights dim and a slow clap rolls through the crowd)


Four different colored tents sit in the corners of the dank smelling cave, surrounded by goblins. The players have to coordinate their efforts while dealing with the goblins to figure out where the treasure within lies.

The Cave of the Four Tribes is an original idea by Hunter Steffens, @papapuffins on Twitter, be sure to drop him a follow and stay up to date on the next additions to his awesome world.

The Bard Podcast Network helps to produce the One Door Dungeon blog and all future works under the same title.